Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Good news about Michael Moore?

I heard a rumor about Michael Moore and plans he's made for New Orleans - obviously another place where he and his camera can film and attempt to redefine history through his particular view of "reality." It seems he wanted to shoot another documentary as only he can - this one about Katrina, and how, of course, the entire event and its aftermath was the doing of George Bush in particular and the Republican party in general.

Upon arriving, he soon learned, there were so few people actually in New Orleans, and so little technical help available to put together such a film, it would possibly take a year, maybe more, to complete such an undertaking.

Well, Michael Moore being the fine, upstanding young man he is didn't want to leave without doing something positive for New Orleans, so he made a few calls to some of his close confidants, and apparently came up with a plan to "make a difference."

Here's what I have heard. Seems he called up Ted Kennedy and George Soros, who volunteered to come down and help. The three of them are going to haul their fat asses over to that breached levy, plop their butts down, and plug up the leaks, so that ward can dry out.

The rumor goes on to say, Moore also enlisted a lot of additional allies to join his grand scheme. Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition chorus will be performing inspirational songs every two hours, and collecting funds from passersby to help continue the noble efforts of this collection of left thinking Americans. Charlie Rangel and Hillary Clinton have volunteered to be fund raisers and network correspondents, to make sure the mainstream media gets everything correct in how they handle this emerging story.

Wait, there's more. Sean Penn and Barbara Streisand have signed on to film and produce the small screen fund raising tribute to this magnificent attempt, with Sean handling international distribution of the finished product, and Babs handling the domestic distribution.

And last but certainly not least, Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam have agreed to provide security for this project, with their chief mission being the establishment of an ongoing, underwater team, whose function is to continuously swim below the water line and make sure that George Bush and his team have no future opportunities to blow up the levy like they did this time.

Again, I must admit, I know this is a rumor. I don't plan on this going beyond you and me until you have supplied me with confirming information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know who you are, but you sure are a terrific comedy writer. I hope you get discovered, if you aren't already famous???