Tuesday, February 05, 2008

"It is what it is."

"It is what it is." Are you as sick and damn tired of this bullshit saying as I? I heard it for the umpthousandth time this afternoon as some junior underlings were pow-wowing about some meaningless piece of corporate emergency of the second. It is always stated when a point of contention or disagreement comes up - a point, issue, opinion or mandate often from someone on high. It is a substitute for courage and the willingness to fight for what you believe - a substitute used far too often in today's world, particularly in business climates, and it is almost always the fall-back response of the myriad collection of spineless drones occupying middle management in most businesses today. You can feel it coming, as the jihadist hords descend on our country somewhere down the road after we've surrendered our souls to the Democrazies ... that portion of the population, dressed in their robes and burkas, quietly discussing their status, and opining, "It is what it is." What a bunch of wussies!

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