New data just released today reveals a much smaller number of voters than was anticipated. Total voter numbers were up over 2004 but were no where close to the expected record numbers. As the analysis shows, it seems many Republicans stayed at home instead of voting, or simply didn't cast a presidential ballot because the mainstream press had convinced them that Obama could not possibly lose. If the voters continue to be manipulated by our left agenda press, does it scare you as much as it does me what the press will do to convince these same weak willed and under informed voters about Obama's actual governing plan? Are you old enough to remember Cuba, circa 1958? Wake up, America. Investigate, learn what's real and what's hype, get involved, and get on the horn to your elected officials NOW to insist they govern for the good of the country and not at the whim of the Far Left, as is already clearly starting to show up. The Looney Left thinks this election win for Obama is a voter mandate for all they want done. Gay marriage, unrestricted abortions, legalized drugs, open borders, cowering to our enemies as we dismantle our military and soon, you'll see, much bowing and accommodating of the Islamist horde getting ready to join the fun here now that the Left got its way.
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