Sunday, November 09, 2008

The bailouts must end - NOW!

The bailouts must end - NOW! In a capitalistic society which we still purport to be the success or failure of a business falls squarely on the shoulders of its proprietors. Do the right thing, and you succeed. Do the wrong thing, and you fail. Where in our U.S. Constitution does it say that We The People have to pay for the mistakes of idiots and greed mongers? Then there's the laughable contention that our elected officials in Washington have answers to our current economic woes. I'm 61 years old as I write this; let me assure you that in my lifetime all attempts by Congress to "help" our economy have inevitably failed miserably. And if you think this tinkering has been bad in recent weeks, just wait until after January 20, 2009 when the Democrazies will have total control of two of our three governing branches. All of us had better start demanding that Congress immediately quit tinkering with our economy. If you're looking for a good resource to bookmark and use to contact the DC crowd, you might want to visit first

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