Thursday, October 12, 2006

Paris and Nicole reunite - world saved!

So many mainstream "news sources" were all thithery today with a story about Paris and Nicole reuniting! I guess the fabric of the universe is once again safe from threat, the karma of the cosmos is in order, a cure for cancer and butt boils will surely be forthcoming just any day now, windfall inheritances shall soon lighten every household's burden, tooth decay will cease being a nuisance to western society, and Nancy Pelosi will get a makeover. Hooray for hard news when we need it. 'tis yet again a sterling day in the annals of network and mainstream news histories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the only plus to this news is that we dont have to hear the media complain about the war, another kidnapping, cold case, or political scandal...

perhaps an end to media is the only good thing that can happen...