Thursday, September 14, 2006

How would you know?

I hadn't really paid that much attention to the newest Viagra commercial until tonight. Upon careful review, many things about it caused me to chuckle, not the least of which was the litany of warnings the spokesperson has to go through at the end of the commercial to satisfy all the regulatory requirements such products have to deal with if they are advertised on television.

There's the very well known warning about which many jokes have been told, the one about the "four hour" issue. We won't go there, because that road is already well traveled.

No, the warning that cracked me up tonight is the one about, "In the event of a sudden loss of vision, stop taking Viagra immediately!" Well, this caused me to ask, "How would you know?"

Here's why I think that (Now bear with me here and remember this is somewhat of an ol' codger's recollection about such things but ... ). If I have taken this product and have used its magic effects to the utmost of my abilities, sooner or later (Stop it ... don't write your own joke at this point in my ramblings.), something "splendid" will most surely occur. When it does, there's a pretty good chance I've thrown my head back, tilted my head vaguely toward "up", clinched numerous and sundry body parts including most of my face, forehead, etc. and have possibly stretched both my mouth and eyes/eyelids as tightly as I can (known in some circles as contortion), and I can almost assure you my eyes close while all this is going on.

So, once again I ask, how would you know? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

The visualizations your writings provoke are quite funny. Great job! Please keep it up.

Losing my Mind said...

it's all meant to be a joke on all of us- you're damned if you do, and damned if you don't try it.

Jewstin said...

Also, you could turn the lights on.

If you're kinky like that.