Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Please update on contact information

We will soon be between houses.
Please change my email address to: lclintsp@gmail.com
My new mailing address is: PO Box 23026, Overland Park, KS 66283-3026
My new shipping address is:  7500 W. 151st #23026, Overland Park, KS 66283-3026.
Our home phone number (913-897-3644) will cease on December 4.
My phone number until further notice is: 913-907-8562
Carol's phone number is 913-908-3610

Larry C. Sparrow & Carol M. Sparrow

Other updated information:
Kelsey Leigh Sparrow's mailing and shipping address is: 1501 S. 5th St. E,  Louisburg, KS 66053
and her phone number is: 913-314-2774