Trump won tonight. That made his supporters happy I suppose. But much was lost. Following are some things that will definitely happen or may happen. History will unfold and determine what does and what does not happen. Here's what I see coming:
1. Hillary will win the presidency with an unprecedented landslide.
2. Elizabeth Warren will be the Vice President.
3. Chuck Schumer takes over Senate leadership, Nancy Pelosi regains leadership in the House.
4. The two most progressive jurists in history fill the available SCOTUS openings. Profound attacks on the 1st, 2nd and 10th Amendments start almost immediately. Abortion will become allowable anytime up to live birth. No institution or organization will be allowed to exempt itself from paying for abortions on demand.
5. Spending will NOT slow down and in fact will accelerate as there no longer is any meaningful resistance to spending in either house. This will fairly quickly lead to downgrading of US debt to junk bond rating, rapid devaluation of the dollar, stock market crash far worse than 2007 and rising unemployment so vast that government hanky panky with the numbers can no longer hide it.
6. If you thought Barrack Obama was being unduly influenced/directed by Iran, you haven't seen anything yet.
7. Cecile Richards will be given a major, perhaps cabinet level, position in this new administration.
8. Continuing civil unrest sponsored by Soros, CPUSA, DNC via BLM, OWS, etc. will actually get even worse and possibly might finally reach its desired goal of martial law as the near final step toward the Leftist Police state that movement has hoped for since its infancy.
9. The military will continue to be neutered via spending cuts, over political management, and social experimentation.
10. Polygamy will be declared legal for marriage. Pedophilia will be exempted from felony status.
11. The Republican Party will suffer a massive loss of members and in fact will never again be meaningful in American politics. Several new parties will spring up but their impact and influenc might not be apparent for 50 years.
12. The Democrat Party will finally toss that name and start going by their true identity: The Communist Party of the United States.
13. Taxes will soar with top rates again over 70%. Negative interest will be applied to those citizens lucky enough to have savings of any kind (passbook, IRA's, 40lK's, etc.) This will be Big Government's way of seizing the private assets that they've wanted to do for so long but couldn't figure out a way to do so without provoking a shooting war.
14. A large number of American citizens will flee the country, perhaps in the low millions, and resettle in more favorable political climates, such as Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, etc.
15. Iran will attack Israel. We won't do a damn thing about it. Russia will invade numerous countries. We won't do a damn thing about it.
16. The US mainland will suffer numerous massive terrorist attacks.
17. Illegal aliens will be given voting rights, free housing, free medical care and anything else they could possibly wish for, as the new powers that be see them as their permanent ticket to forever political power.
18. Obamacare will be repealed and replace, with single payer healthcare just like has been the plan all along. Medicare care will continue to tank.
19. Euthanasia will become legal and in fact be pushed as a humane alternative to elder medical care. The definition of elderly in that case will continue to get lower and lower.
20. Trillions of dollars will be wasted on countless green energy boondoggles, with traditional energy sources still being the most rational answers to energy needs.
I could go on longer, but I won't. Other than all the above possibilities, I guess everything should just be peachy, don't you think?