The tragedy of an under-, un-, or misinformed voter base was clearly demonstrated by the post election disasters that followed the 2006 and 2008 Congressional and Presidential elections. IF our republic is to be saved, it is my contention that voters should not be allowed to vote (only slightly kidding here) unless they’ve done the kind of due diligence required to decided which candidate or candidates deserve the honor of serving the public in elected office. Simply put, our very survival cannot be left to opinions implanted in our brains by partisan political hacks, media experts, professional political pundits, political consultants or your momma. We must invest our own capital, both time and intellectual, to whatever degree is required to assure ourselves we know as much as WE can learn about candidates’ backgrounds, voting records, belief systems, governing values, policy inclinations and actions they will take upon taking office.
Based on awareness polls, not many voters are spending much time doing that yet as the 2012 elections loom. The series of Republican debates, for those who’ve watched, were only slightly enlightening. First, the very nature of these debates severely limited the depth of answers the candidates could give on any of the issues raised. Second, as many if not most of the debates were clearly designed as gotcha events, often orchestrated by obviously partisan journalists, whose intent was to tear down candidates rather than seek real insights into policy thoughts, little of value came out.
So when a so-far rare opportunity comes along to actually hear candidates thoughts in depth, IMO you as a responsible voter MUST take advantage of same. Last night, such an opportunity presented itself – the C Span Texas Patriots PAC debate between Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain. If you missed it, and no doubt many did, I’m sure you can find it online with the least bit of effort. It was an extremely revealing event into the mindset, abilities, knowledge and intentions of 2 of the more non-traditional presidential candidates. I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent – it is your DUTY to educate yourself before pulling a lever.
Do yourself and our republic a big favor – invest some time and start learning instead of being told what you believe. You’ll be glad you did, and you may even find it becoming habit-forming. Why heck, you may even find actually learning something to be far superior to watching the latest episode of the Kardashians, or Jersey Shore, or whatever other brain mush the networks have been pushing hoping you’ll just go along to get along.